Volume #4, Issue #5
Date: May 1991
Jason Ohler, Director
Educational Technology Program
University of Alaska Southeast
In the industrial age, we go to school. In the information age, school can come to us. This is the message implicit in the media and movement of distance education.
Volume #4, Issue #5
May 1991
Editor: Jason Ohler
Educational Technology Program Director
University of Alaska Southeast
11120 Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska 99801
Technical Coordinator: Paul J. Coffin
716 Taschereau
Ste-Therese, Quebec
J7E 4E1
Phone: 514-430-0995
NOTE: In the last issue I asked whether you would prefer a more active listserv, like most other listservs in which there is a steady flow of messages among listserv members. Those who responded were strongly opposed to that idea. Thus, the Online Journal will continue to act as a distillery and publish short articles only as frequently as submissions permit.
PLEASE NOTE: Everything beyond this point has been lost.
The second anniversary of the initial meeting to discuss the formation of
the Agricultural Satellite Corporation (AG*SAT) arrives this summer and
already there is great progress to be reported. For those interested,
here is a progress report. To date thirty-three land grant institutions have
affiliated with AG*SAT to take advantage of the unique opportunities
available. These institutions are located in all regions of the
country. A number of additional land grants are preparing to join as of
the new fiscal year. An Educational Affiliate category is being
established to allow non-land grant universities to share in the
programming. And a new non-landgrant Corporate/Government affiliate
category will enable employee participation as well.
One of the first tasks that faced the
affiliates of AG*SAT was to prepare and submit a proposal seeking federal
funding for satellite equipment. That proposal was funded by the U.S.
Department of Commerce Public Telecommunications Facilities Program.
Many institutions are already connected. The AG*SAT Satellite Operations
Center is being installed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Even
before the first pieces of equipment were installed, a second proposal
was submitted (January, 1991) to seek funds for the continued development
of this comprehensive nation-wide satellite network.
The interinstitutional structure of AG*SAT is
composed of six working councils. The chief agricultural academic
officer at the affiliated institutions serves on the Administrative
Council. From this Council twelve members are elected to serve rotating
terms as the AG*SAT Board of Directors. The Executive Director of AG*SAT
serves as the thirteenth member. Representatives from the United States
Department of Agriculture serve on the Board as Exofficio members. Deans
and Directors of Resident Instruction and Cooperative Extension serve
respectively on the AG*SAT Resident Instruction and Cooperative Extension
Councils. These two groups are charged with the development and sharing
of credit and non-credit programs, courses and teleconferences. In
addition two other Councils, the Research Council and International
Council are composed of appropriate representatives from the affiliate
institutions. They are charged with developing and sharing programming,
courses and teleconferences to share research development and results,
and to carry agricultural programming to and from other countries. Key
to the functioning of these programming councils is the Production and
Operations Council which includes the producers and directors from their
respective campuses. This Council is involved in the production and
reception of the various programs which are distributed via satellite.
AG*SAT's first credit courses have already been
scheduled and offered through AG*SAT. Nearly 300 students enrolled in
two courses, one offered by Iowa State University in Sustainable
Agriculture and the second from Pennsylvania State University in Food
Science. Nearly half of the affiliated institutions participated in this
pilot semester. Credit courses are specially designed to be taught at a
distance and include interactive components via telephone, facsimile and
computer. In some cases, the courses are jointly planned and taught by
faculty teams composed of recognized experts in the field.
Cooperative Extension units have joined together to
take advantage of the national satellite connection offered through
AG*SAT. Nearly 40 teleconferences have been offered since the first of
the year. The subjects have included pesticide safety, swine breeding
and management, agronomic and economic decisions related to the FARM Act
of 1990, gardening, leadership, farm and ranch owner updates and writing
for professional journals. Each teleconference can be used on the
campuses of the affiliated institutions and dispersed to other locations
within their states as well. One program, for example, reached 35 states
at more than 150 sites.
Two of the most recently
constituted councils are addressing these areas. Each council includes
deans and directors representing their institutions with these programs.
Internationally, program and information exchange could originate both
from the United States destined for other countries and vise versa. The
United States is considered a leader in world agriculture and this
expertise can and is being shared. The transmission of programs, courses
and teleconferences via satellite makes it easy to reach one or a group
of countries with the same information. Furthermore, it is much more
economical than sending a team of faculty to offer a presentation or
program. And, as other countries identify their needs, a single
teleconference beamed from that country to the United States can
share those needs with hundreds, if not thousands, of faculty members at
the same time. In this way it is possible for the United States to
respond more comprehensively to the needs identified.
In the area of research, those involved in these activities could share
findings, processes and other information related to their research or
proposed research. In this way the information is quickly shared and the
research can move forward more quickly. At the same time, research
results can be widely shared through a single teleconference,
accomplishing in the matter of a couple of hours what may have taken
weeks, months or even years to do without satellite connections.
For further information contact:
The following "news briefs" are excerpts from COMMUNIQUE, the
official newsletter of the Western Cooperative for Educational
Telecommunications, a regional membership organization based in
Boulder, Colorado.
Legislative Briefing Video Completed
"Educational Telecommunications: Investing in the 21st Century" presents
the message that continued support of information and education networks
is critical for the success of tomorrow's students. Moreover, the full
potential of these networks will require changes in existing educational
and financing policies, thoughtful restructuring of educational
relationships, and provision of additional resources. The video
concludes that educators, industry executives, legislators and other
policymakers all have an important stake in ensuring that these networks
are used effectively and efficiently to meet the educational needs of
students and workers in the 21st century.
Clearly, the video is meeting a need within our membership for an
awareness-building tool that presents a range of technologies and
educational applications. Within six weeks, the first supply of tapes
was sold out.
This 10-minute videotape (1/2" VHS format) was produced by the Southern
California Consortium for the Western Cooperative, with support from
Burlington Resources, the Northwest Academic Forum, and WICHE. The
purchase price for members is $13 and $28 for non-members
User Services Committee
In February, the Faculty Development Subcommittee of the User Services
group published the "Faculty Resource Guide to Distance Education."
Barry Willis (Alaska), subcommittee chair, describes the guide in the
foreword as "flexible to accommodate the still emerging and constantly
evolving nature of the distance education enterprise. Similarly...the
faculty developer needs a full 'bag of tricks,' as opposed to a set
format and pre-programmed approach to the design, development, adaptation
and/or evaluation of distance delivered instruction." As such, the guide
provides faculty and instructional designers with an overview of major
faculty development topics and then offers an annotated list of
references and names of resource people pertinent to each topic.
The guidebook is intended to be expanded and updated as new materials are
added and therefore is published in a loose-leaf notebook format. The
Faculty Resource Guide to Distance Education is available to members for
$13.50 (without a binder) and $27 for non-members.
Another subcommittee of the User Services group is in the final stages of
completing their project. "A Distance Education Guidebook for College
Administrators" will cover such issues as intellectual property rights,
differential salary, tenure criteria, and financing. Robert Threlkeld
(California) and Kathryn Kilroy (Arizona) serve as co-chairs of the
Administrator Subcommittee.
A third and related publication that is just getting underway is a "Guide
to Distance Education for K-12 Educators." The K-12 Education Caucus has
held several audioconferences to decide on the goals and format of such a
guide and to review a preliminary outline. Kathryn Kilroy (Arizona) and
Eric Feder (Colorado) will be coordinating the production of this
resource for our K-12 members.
Five Western Cooperative members--Colorado State University, Oklahoma
State University, University of Oklahoma, Utah State University, and
Washington State University--are among the nine charter members of the
National Universities Degree Consortium (NUDC). Improved access to
baccalaureate degree programs especially for nontraditional students is
the goal of this new consortium. Partnering with NUDC is Mind Extension
University, The Education Network which will deliver these degree
programs via their satellite broadcast and cable television networks.
Courses will be concentrated at the 3rd and 4th year levels and will
build upon community college offerings.
The first degree program will be a Bachelor of Science in Management from
the University of Maryland University College, beginning Fall 1991.
Courses will be designed by the faculty of the nine NUDC member
institutions and the degree will be offered by University College.
Tuition for the Management program is $176 per hour. Students must meet
admission requirements of the University College and could complete the
degree within about three years depending on number of a completed
The other NUDC charter members are Kansas State University, the
University of New Orleans, and the University of South Carolina.
The recently created Center for Information Technology of the University
of Alaska announced the recipient of its first grant. Project Jukebox
will use computer technologies to preserve and improve access to more
than 5,000 oral history tapes in the University of Alaska Fairbanks
Rasmuson Library.
The Washington Satellite Consortium for Graduate Teacher Education was
formed in 1990 to provide broad statewide access to graduate education
for teachers. The consortium involves public and private universities in
Washington in planning a curriculum that will provide three graduate
courses per year to the STEP/Star Schools Network beginning in Fall 1991.
Students may apply for admission to any one of the participating
universities. Courses will be taught by top faculty from consortium
universities, beginning with "Organizing Classrooms and Schools to Teach
At-Risk Students," taught by Dr. Richard Sagor of Washington State
University. For information about the consortium, contact Janet Kendall,
Washington State University,
(509) 335-3557.
"SEND-IT" in Southeast North Dakota
The North Dakota Interactive Video Network, the state's new compressed
video network, is well underway with 23 courses and numerous seminars
being delivered over the system this spring. For projects involving
elementary and secondary schools and districts, the state's Educational
Telecommunications Council recently awarded $1.1 million in grants. The
Council also funded a pilot data networking project involving North
Dakota State University (NDSU) and the Southeast North Dakota
Telecommunications Consortium which is comprised of 47 secondary schools.
NDSU'S School of Education and Computer Center are directing this
project, called SEND-IT.
The goal of SEND-IT is to enhance the curriculum of secondary schools by
encouraging the use of computers to share ideas and activities among
teachers, and by helping teachers and students to gain access to
regional, national, and international resource materials. NDSU has
trained educators at each cluster who in turn will train building-level
facilitators at each district in their cluster, and will provide project
oversight and evaluation. NDSU will also create instructional forums by
discipline area. These forums will include listings of existing computer-
based curriculum packages that can be tested by the classroom teacher
as well as informal discussion groups for teachers to share ideas about
applications and problems.
The file server for this project is a NeXT computer housed at NDSU. The
system will be linked to the North Dakota Higher Education Computer
Network giving SEND schools access to the Internet and BITNET networks.
For more information contact Bill Woods, Project Co-director and
Professor of Education, NDSU, Minard Hall, #321, Box 5075, University
Station, Fargo, ND 58105, or call (701) 237-7085.
The San Luis Valley Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES)
Regional Distance Communications network (ReDiCo) has received a $199,500
grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. This grant will be
used to purchase hardware for the first phase of a fiber optics network
capable of carrying voice, video, and data throughout this high mountain
valley. Initially connecting four to eight towns and villages through
their high schools, ReDiCo is designed to provide increased K-12,
economic development, medical and higher education, and life-long
learning opportunities to residents in these geographically isolated
Organized through the San Luis Valley BOCES, the planning committee
includes representatives of all regional school districts, the area
vocational school, Adams State College, regional economic development
councils, local and regional businesses and numerous government entities.
This broad base of support insures success of the initial and subsequent
phases. For further information, contact Jerry Cook, Director, San Luis
Valley BOCES, (719) 589-5851.
Designed to meet the needs of Colorado's K-12, library, and higher
education communities, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has
designed a series of live satellite teleconferences on issues of
statewide and national importance. The spring 1991 series begins on
April 11 and includes:
A complete description of these live, interactive teleconferences appears
in the Calendar section of COMMUNIQUE. For additional information on how
institutions in your state can participate for free or purchase
videotapes of these teleconferences, contact Roma Duffy at (303) 866-
If institutions in your state are interested in cooperatively planning
and producing future teleconferences, contact Eric Feder at (303) 866-
The US West Foundation has awarded a $294,000 grant to Utah State
University to expand its Electronic Distance Education program. The
three-year grant will support primarily program development in three
Several technologies will be used in the delivery of USU's distance
education program, including their existing and successful audiographics
network which will be expanded to 12 additional sites by 1993-94, and
EDNET, the statewide microwave system. For more information contact:
Glenn Wilde, Executive Director, Electronic Distance Education, MLLRP,
Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322--3000, or call (801) 750-1134.
Five proposals received funding as part of the second year of an
instructional and faculty development grant administered by the Statewide
Distance Education Office of the University of Alaska System. Alascom,
the state's primary public telecommunications carrier, awarded a two-year
grant of $50,000 for efforts aimed at integrating distance education
offerings within the system. The grant funds will be used to offset
audioconference toll and satellite transponder costs, equipment
purchases, and curriculum development activities. The five funded
projects are:
For more information contact Barry Willis, Statewide Distance Education,
University of Alaska System, 3890 University Lake Drive, Anchorage,
Alaska 99577, or call (907) 786-4600, or send BITNET mail to
Utah's higher education institutions have adopted a set of standards and
priorities to guide the selection of academic courses to be delivered via
the state's educational broadcasting channel (KULC-Channel 9) and over
the state microwave network (EDNET). EDNET links all 9 of the colleges
and universities plus 14 other sites in the state. These policies were
prepared by the 9 institutional chief academic officers and were recently
adopted by the Utah Education Network Consortium.
New courses must demonstrate and/or satisfy minimum criteria in the
following areas: institutional endorsement, detailed course description,
potential enrollment, utility towards a general education requirement or
specific degree/certificate program, and nonduplication of existing
The Western Cooperative is pleased to announce the following new
Contact the Western Cooperative for more information about these
resources and about subscriptions to COMMUNIQUE. Contact Ms. Dale
Cracraft at 303-541-0231 (phone), 303-541-0291 (fax), or via MCI Mail
Mollie McGill
The K-12 Networking Project aims to link together a critical mass of
practitioners in primary and secondary education through computer-
mediated communication networks; and, with this connectivity, to develop
network-using resources to support curriculum reform and institutional
Rationales for K-12 networking
Reducing isolation is one aspect of a broad commitment to
restructuring in K-12 education. Restructuring means many things to its
proponents, but improved communication and curriculum reform are
invariably part of its action plans. Networking can be an invaluable aid
to curriculum reform and communications improvement programs.
Collaborative student and class projects call for networking.
Another reason for linkage is to connect with mentors and supporters:
with subject matter specialists, educational researchers, and faculty
mentors at schools of education and other college and university
settings; and with corporate volunteers and such specialized groups as
Last but not least, common access to resources in standard format
independent of geography and distance is a significant rationale for
networking K-12 schools and practitioners.
The current state of network use in K-12 education.
Networking supporters need to inform the broad K-12 educational
community (administrators, policymakers, board members, curriculum
specialists, teachers, professional groups) about opportunities (and
problems) in networking in support of K-12 education.
On the positive side, the number of network-using resources for K-12
is growing. However, there is a lack of connectivity between resources,
insufficient information exchange, little knowledge of the full breadth
of services and resources available, and little comprehension of the full
implications of computer-driven networks for education. Both enthusiasts
and skeptics need to understand the background issues of educational
reform that provide a context against which networking (along with other
innovations) will be assessed.
There are still problems with access to computers themselves, and to
telephone lines. The current least common denominator of K-12 network
user interaction is not very "user friendly," requiring a good deal of
user learning. It can be hard to find support while learning, and
finally it can be difficult to grasp the range and variety of resources
available once a person has expended all this time and effort.
Although there are a good many systems offering more than this least
common denominator, access to these systems is problematic and
interconnections between systems are, quite broadly, lacking. This
denies many systems a national audience or market, and makes access
difficult for many individuals who would like it. In particular, per-use
charges for telecommunications access are unsuited to school system
budgeting procedures, and often too high for individual teachers or
schools to afford.
An evolving national strategy.
EDUCOM's role; current activities and plans. Implementation of the
national strategy will call for combined action by many participants, and
the K-12 community will have to assume a significant leadership role in
partnership with postsecondary education, the corporate sector, and
government at all levels. EDUCOM's most important role may well be
brokering: helping the K-12 community recognize and assess the
opportunity being offered, and working to put the combined resources and
skills of postsecondary education and research -- embodied in the
Internet "matrix" -- at the service of K-12 users.
The most immediate priority is to help establish the "K-12 network:
"to support the creation and integration of a set of resources of
immediate use the K-12 practitioners on the Internet. The key effort
will be a connectivity project, in which existing K-12 programs,
resources or networks will be linked into the Internet. EDUCOM, in
collaboration with other groups, will coordinate the linking of
approximately ten such resources per year, and will help assess their
educational impact.
Along with actual work to "build the network" goes evangelism --
publicizing K-12 resources and services, and stimulating dialogue about
their use in the broader educational reform context. A principal
activity is to discuss current policy developments leading to a National
Research and Education Network (NREN), and the potentials and issues of
networking for K-12 more generally, with a wide range of educational
audiences. Another is the development and maintenance of directories of
K-12 people and resources; a third is the development of a user
orientation packet, including primers and guides to training resources.
Other activities will include publishing a regular column on K-12
networking in the EDUCOM Review; conducting sessions on K-12 network
resources at various EDUCOM meetings; seeking avenues for business and
industry collaboration; and conducting outreach (including providing
guest accounts on the Internet) to key practitioners and policymakers.
The K-12 Networking Project works to obtain information about existing
programs and resources of all kinds related to networking for K-12
education. Such information will be gathered into a variety of
publications. Materials currently available are:
For information about EDUCOM's K-12 Networking Project, about the
activities mentioned above, or to obtain the materials listed, please
contact John Clement, project director. He can be reached at:
phone- 202/872-4200
fax- 4318)
email- jrc@bitnic (BITNET), clement@educom.edu (Internet), or educom
(AppleLink). Postal mail can be sent to: EDUCOM, 1112 Sixteenth St.,
N.W., Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA.
EDUCOM, founded in 1964, is a nonprofit consortium of higher education
institutions which facilitates the introduction, use, access to and
management of information resources in teaching, learning, scholarship,
and research. The work of the organization is conducted in cooperation
and partnership with the broader education and library communities,
professional societies, government at all levels, and information
industries. For information about membership, programs, and projects,
call 202-872-4200.
Universities, as other public and private sector organisations, do not
appear to be immune from mounting pressures to attain more efficiencies
in performing their instructional services. In general, institutes of
higher education are in a highly competitive arena as they seek
student and program support in the current economically troubled times.
Many schools in financial retrenchment look to electronic media products
and programs to lessen personnel and transportation costs.
Educators at the University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, were in the
process of extending graduate courses to sparsely populated "bush"
regions when petroleum revenues plummeted in the mid-eighties. As an
alternative to delaying or limiting the scope of the program, faculty
members surveyed the rapidly expanding electronic data processing market
to seek suitable means to carry traditional classes to off-campus
locations. Teaching methods and materials designed for the "outreach"
program were implemented and blended with on-campus resources to
enrich student participation. A required course in educational law for
school administrators was adapted for distance delivery. Students
scattered throughout the vast state apply for program admission, register
for the class, receive instructional materials, interact with classmates
through a variety of means, and complete course requirements from their
school or home site.
Limited comments on activites featured in the graduate school law course
are as follows:
The distance education plan permits the geographically isolated student
to remain active in the program through the cold, winter-locked months.
As an ancillary benefit to the university, the instructional additives
designed for off-campus use have enriched the regular on-campus classes.
In either case, the improved degree sequence is available for statewide
students and can usually be finished in four semesters. Most "outreach"
students continue to delight in meeting each other face-to-face when they
meet in summer Auke Lake Campus classes.
Nota bene: Dr. Oldaker teaches the educational law course
and is Associate Professor and Head, Graduate Programs in
Educational Administration, University of Alaska Southeast
in Juneau.
[Reprinted from _Vision,_ Winter, 1990, published by the Virginia
Association of Independent Schools.]
"I speak German at home, but my dad wants me to practice reading and
writing it. Can I find someone in Germany to write?" "Have you heard
from anyone in Korea? I'd like to communicate with someone there." "Oh
my gosh! I think I solved it. I thought this problem would take
These remarks pepper the conversations among students in computer
classes, in the Telecommunications Club and with the Upper School
computer teacher.
Two years ago, North Cross School received international electronic
addresses as part of a pilot project, the Virginia Tech Educational and
Research Network (VERN), linking four secondary schools in Virginia with
colleges and universities across the state. The addresses gave North
Cross students and teachers the ability to communicate with others across
the world using established electronic networks.
The Virginia Tech project originated to teach secondary educators
and students about data communications, to learn about training needed
for teachers, and to develop a group of well-informed and skilled users.
Today, North Cross has 5 dedicated telephone lines and 9 computers
equipped for telecommunications. Five computers on carts can be used in
classrooms throughout the buildings. Telephone jacks positioned
strategically in 20 rooms allow easy access for a myriad of projects that
span the curriculum.
When the pilot project began, two trained teachers spent time
learning technical skills and researching, coordinating and compiling
project ideas for each curriculum area. At first, teachers did not
recognize the incredible potential for classroom use. Once skills were
mastered and electronic mail from several dozen online discussion groups
had been read, it became easier to involve other teachers.
In the Upper School, communication activities promptly became part of
Computer Applications classes. First we learned a few skills by reading
electronic mail. We searched for biographical sketches posted by other
students wanting to communicate. We wrote our own introductions and sent
them for world-wide distribution. When pen pal exchanges became
too voluminous, those activities were moved to time blocks outside of
All computer students learn how to use the online Virginia Tech
Library System (VTLS) and how to utilize the Dialog data bases for
research projects and papers. Over 75 online data bases allow searching
through topics in books, magazines, thesis papers, professional journals
and newspaper articles. Full text articles from national newspapers
allow instant research from a medium notoriously tedious to use in
the past. Dialog users uncover over 5,000 articles written about
"Noriega and drugs" in magazines during the year 1989. Because of the
overwhelming volume of information available, effective use of online
data bases demands specific and narrow topics.
In addition to using networks for research and corresponding with
pen pals, Pascal programming students collaborate with another class to
analyze, define, write and evaluate sections of a programming project.
Each class exchanges completed modules and the pieces are merged together
for compilation into one working program.
Twice a month, computer students print a math problem located on a
computer in Indiana. Solutions may require a formula, trial and error,
combinations, or "Just thinking about it," as one student explained.
This problem solving activity is the beginning of another online project
planned for math teachers and students.
The Telecommunications Club is accumulating a list of questions
designed to explore cultural differences among students across the globe.
With research information, guidance from the history department, and
assistance from our international exchange students, we plan to design a
questionnaire and submit it to several electronic discussion groups to
learn what makes our cultures unique.
Ninth grade English students wrote a short essay answering the
questions: "Who am I and what can I do to improve the future of the
world?" These essays were sent to the international discussion group,
KIDS-91. This electronic list was developed for students ages 10 to 15.
The manager of the group lives in Norway, but responses to the "Who am I"
questions and other messages are housed on computers in Canada and North
Science students share lab results and other data with distant
classes. A larger pool of data enables more precise evaluation of
results. Students and teachers post questions to professionals in the
scientific community, wherever they are located. Discussions between the
AP Biology classes at North Cross and the Roanoke Valley Governor's
School culminated in a joint meeting and panel discussion on the historic
implications of the Biosphere II project.
French students can correspond with native speaking contemporaries
and other French students around the world. Interestingly, many native
French students want us to write in English to help them with their
When telecommunications came to North Cross, we began to explore the
remarkable and exciting opportunities for learning. Our teachers have
embraced this technology with such enthusiasm that last fall, a second
phone line was needed for the Upper school. The networks have opened a
window to the global community of information, educators and students but
we realize we have just begun to tap the vast resources available to us.
By Randy Bretz
Randall G. Bretz
Agricultural Satellite Corporation
Box 83111
Lincoln, NE 68501
FAX 402-472-1785
By: Mollie McGill
In December, the Legislative Briefing Committee completed production of
the videotape, "Educational Telecommunications: Investing in the 21st
Century." Since its release, the video has been used by Western
Cooperative members throughout the region to brief legislative
committees, educational governing boards, and faculty and administrator
groups on campus.
Assistant Director
Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications
P. O. Drawer P
Boulder, CO 80301-9752
Internet: mcgill_m@cubldr.colorado.edu
phone: 303-541-0233
fax: 303 -541-0291
also via NCI Mail
By Dr. Art St. George
Both teacher and administrator groups argue forcefully that the
practitioner communities need to be connected among themselves and to one
Practitioners who are using computers and computer-driven communication
as part of K-12 education mostly report favorable experiences, although
there is also frustration about the state of the supporting
infrastructure. Proponents for networking are increasing, although the
numbers are still small in proportion to the total.
We envision a path toward a critical mass of connectivity for K-12
education, directed at the achievement of seven objectives:
[This early document examines major issues in the development of a
national strategy for K-12 educational networking.]
[This survey was conducted on behalf of EDUCOM; although now dated
and a little incomplete, it provides a valuable overview. Available
in paper (while supplies are available) and online.]
By Lawrence Lee Oldaker
By Sally Laughon