Volume #4, Issue #1
Date: September 1990
Jason Ohler, Director
Educational Technology Program
University of Alaska Southeast
In the industrial age, we go to school. In the information age, school can come to us. This is the message implicit in the media and movement of distance education.
Volume #4, Issue #1
September 1990
Editor: Jason Ohler
Educational Technology Program Director
University of Alaska Southeast
11120 Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska 99801
Layout and Editorial Assistant: Ruth M. Ryan
University of Alaska Southeast
Technical Coordinator: Paul J. Coffin
716 Taschereau
Ste-Therese, Quebec
J7E 4E1
Phone: 514-430-0995
Welcome to the fourth year of the Online Journal of Distance Education and Communication. Help has arrived in the form of Ruth Ryan, support staff at the University of Alaska, who will be doing most of the editing and layout for the Journal. As an editorial and layout staff of one for the past three years, I welcome this institutional support most gladly. What it means to you is that it is possible for the Online Journal to go out more often, more regularly. And with Paul Coffin's continued support on the technical end, the Online Journal has a very promising future.
We are always happy to consider your contributions. Please make them brief, two pages maximum if possible. It can be something already published or an excerpt from a longer piece. It can be an article, request for help or information, book announcement, or anything that is pertinent to the field of distance education. We look forward to hearing from you.
The ability to transmit data electronically, allowing people
around the globe to send messages or documents from one computer
to another, presents tremendous opportunities for collaboration
between individuals and groups with common interests. Developed
largely to meet the needs of large corporations, electronic mail
and computer conferencing have proved to be equally important for
international cooperation, science, education and government.
A growing number of developing countries have already installed national data communication systems and electronic mail systems. Yet, even with these capabilities, a common problem is high
cost of international computer-based communication-up to twenty
times the cost in industrialized countries. There are two main
reasons for this expense: most electronic mail systems are based
in the United States or Europe, requiring an expensive international data communications connection; and royalty fees and hardware used for electronic mail drive up the price of this service.
These high costs generally mean that such services are unaffordable to most academic and private users, and to non-profit organizations. But now non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Brazil
have discovered a low-cost way to enjoy the benefits of computer
The Brazilian Experiment
In Rio de Janeiro, a research group known as IBASE (the Portuguese acronym for Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic
Analysis), which carries out socio-economic analysis in collaboration with labor unions, church groups, slum dwellers associations
and other community groups, has been one of the first Brazilian
NGOs to use microcomputers for research and data communications.
In fact, IBASE has stimulated many other NGOs throughout Latin
America to use these tools.
Since the mid-1980s, IBASE has been able to communicate via
computer with several Latin American and European NGOs through a
commercial service known as Geonet. But this system required all
communications to be routed through London, at considerable expense, even when IBASE wished to contact colleagues in Santiago or
Lima. So since 1987, IBASE has been experimenting with electronic
mail systems that would permit cheaper information-sharing with
partner organizations and academic institutions and that it could
operate and maintain itself.
It soon made contact with the Institute for Global Communications (IGC), a U.S.-based NGO devoted to the application of low-
cost and small-scale computer technology. IGC has developed a
microcomputer-based system to operate a complete electronic mail,
computer conferencing, and on-line data base service, without the
need to subscribe to commercial services. The system has been
successfully implemented to link up approximately 5,000 activists
and NGOs in more than 70 countries through its two main computer
networks: PeaceNet, which is devoted to peace and disarmament
issues, and EcoNet, which is devoted to environmental concerns.
The collaboration between IBASE and IGC resulted in the proposal to install a similar system, which would be automatically
linked to IGC's international computer network. The project,
known as Alternex, received financial support from the United
Nations Development Program and from a private Italian donor agency.
In July 1989, only a few months after approval of the project, Alternex was fully operating 24 hours a day. Today, more
than 130 individual and group users in Brazil and abroad participate in the network, and this number is increasing daily. Users
pay a monthly fee, the equivalent of about US$7.50, which includes
one hour of on-line connection. On-line connection runs approximately $5 per hour, cheaper than nearly all other electronic mail
services. Any computer equipment, from small personal computers
costing as little as $300 in the international market to the terminal of a large mainframe system, can be used when connecting
with Alternex. The connection can be made through standard telephone lines, by using a modem in conjunction with the computer
terminal or by using a special line for data communications.
Most Alternex users rely on electronic mail and computer conferences as a way to coordinate regional activities with their
counterparts, reaching even the most remote areas of the country.
For example, local environmental organizations that mobilize their
own resources use the system to make inquiries of IBASE's comput-
erized directory of environmental development donors and the projects they finance, or they may conduct the search themselves.
Groups active in the Foreign Debt Campaign, which mobilizes support for alternative solutions to Brazil's debt crisis, use electronic mail to coordinate joint activities. In still other cases,
NGOs use the system to communicate easily with donor agencies
throughout the world or as the cheapest and most appropriate channel to distribute their news clippings or press releases. Several
NGOs are also acting as "community E-mail agencies," providing
electronic communication services to small local groups, permitting interaction with their counterparts around the world. And,
through IBASE's international connection, Alternex users can now
link up with the 4,500 users of the PeaceNet and Econet systems,
as well as to commercial services.
How the System Works
The system designed by IGC combines low-cost, standardized
computer equipment based on the new generation of IBM-compatible
machines with software it has developed in collaboration with Community Data Processing, another NGO. The tremendous increase in
the power of microprocessors in personal computers today made it
possible to design such sophisticated software. As a result, the
new system has all the capabilities of mainframe computer-messaging systems now in use throughout the United States, Europe and
Japan, but the hardware costs only about $15,000-about one tenth
the cost of a mainframe system--and the software is free to NGOs
which collaborate with IGC. Unlike the centralized systems used
by the large commercial telecommunications services, this microcomputer-based system distributes the message to whatever service
can deliver it quickly and cheaply. One microcomputer-based system can served a limited geographical region, but each regional
system can interconnect with any other regional system. A primary
advantage to this arrangement is that it avoids the previously
high cost of international communications connection. The concept
behind the Alternex system is that the user never needs to make an
international connection, no matter where he is. Users make a local call, but still address their electronic mail internationally.
The local messaging system collects the international mail, bundles and compresses it, then sends it to the appropriate foreign
messaging system for distribution using a special high-speed connection. This means that the service is far less costly, and
therefore affordable for groups with limited resources.
Prospects and Problems
The experience of Alternex in Brazil, and a similarly successful experiment with another non-governmental research center
in Nicaragua, represent the first experiences of computer-based
communication networks established and operated by NGOs in developing countries. The initial reaction from Alternex users in
Latin America has been tremendous excitement for the potential for
linking NGOs, journalists, educators, and researchers throughout
the region and the world. As a result, the UNDP is providing resources to extend access to this technology to other Latin American countries.
The first task is to demonstrate the technology to local institutions and to continue testing the technology in countries undeserved by international data transmission networks. Currently,
IGC is working on a portable version of the system to be used in
demonstrations and on-site tests in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.
Where public data networks do not exit, these visits might include
the installation of small satellite earth stations; the University
of Hawaii, which coordinates the Peacesat education project, has
agreed to let the Alternex project use its satellite free of
IBASE is likely to become a regional center of expertise. It
has already assisted one Uruguayan NGO in setting up an electronic
mail and bulletin board system. It has also worked with the Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association and the Brazilian chapter of the International Interdisciplinary AIDS Foundation to set
up SIDSA, a computerized database on AIDS, and to make the database accessible to those in other parts of the country via telex,
public data networks, or telephone lines.
Significant problems remain, however. If the system is to be
widely available to small organizations in locations that are not
well served by public data networks or even telephone service,
several technical refinements, and in some cases, technologically
appropriate and creative solutions are necessary. And, until automatic translation programs become available, the lack of a common
language represents a significant constraint to conducting international computer conferences. Finally, there is still room to
increase the system's cost-effectiveness through improved operations and methods of bulk data transfer; the Alternex project continues to experiment with these approaches.
Enzo Puliatti is an officer of the Regional Bureau of Latin
America at the United Nations Development Program in New York.
The views expressed in this article are his and not necessarily
those of the UNDP. The Institute of Global Communications can
be contacted at
Mr. Vincenzo Puliatti
The Alternex project in Brazil is only one among many examples of computer networking among research and development organizations Latin America. But in contrast to Alternex, most reply on
US- and European-based electronic mail services for inter-country
connections. Following is a sample of other activities in the
In the process, it identified the technical, legal, and economic conditions necessary to permit computer
networking. It has also produced a well-illustrated booklet in
Spanish, HOW TO DESIGN COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, based on its experience in establishing computer links with NGO research centers in
Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Mexico for joint research projects.
A follow-up effort will test and evaluate software packages used
within the Latin American Trade Information Network. In addition,
ILET coordinates Latin American participation in Interdoc, a global computer network of non-governmental researchers active around
labor and economic concerns, and document its networking experi-
ence in Interdoc's bimonthly bulletin, CONTACT-0, published in
both English and Spanish.
Still, the full potential of such systems have yet to be exp-
loited. A study by Soledad Robinson of ILET-Mexico showed that a
generally low level of computer literacy and the lack of awareness
of available information sources hindered use of existing comput-
er-based information systems. Stronger efforts are needed to in-
crease awareness about he capabilities of information systems and
to provide training in operations.
Andre Roussel
Human society faces urgent problems which require a global
restructuring of education at all levels. Quite apart from what any
government or university does, or does not do, something highly
significant is happening to transform global education, cradle to the
grave--the coming of a "Global (electronic) University." Sometime in the
next century it will be possible for almost anyone, at home or at own
college, to take course from universities on other continents, through a
worldwide electronic educational system that can draw upon an array of
resources that can empower individuals all over the world.
Several current developments in "distance education" are steps towards
such global education. First, are consortiums of universities, such as the
National Technological University (NTU) in the USA, and universities in two
countries that develop "sister school" relationships. In the American state
of Pennsylvania it is becoming possible for any high schools student, in
the smallest rural school, to connect via computer network to take any advanced course that his own school cannot offer, --with 20% better performance than in regular face-to-face courses. Millions of students are enrolled in distance-education courses in China, India, and elsewhere. Second,
are such projects as the "University of the World" which is developing
"national councils" to coordinate government, private education, and corporate education programs so as to participate in two-way sharing of educational resources.
We here report a third, which began in 1972 when Takeshi Utsumi initiated the GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation (GLOSAS) Project for global
peace gaming, a computer simulation to help decision-makers construct a
Globally Distributed Decision Support System for win-win alternatives to
conflict and war, to explore new alternatives for a world-order capable of
addressing the problems and opportunities of an interdependent globe.
Over the past dozen years, GLOSAS played a major role in making possible the extension of U.S. data communication networks to various overseas
countries, particularly to Japan, facilitating the expansion of American
and Japanese information industries to foreign markets and the deregulation
of Japanese telecommunication policies for the use of electronic mail and
computer conferencing through U.S./Japan public packet-switching lines.
GLOSAS also helped achieve a de-monopolization of Japanese telecommunication industries, thus enabling various private terrestrial and satellite
communication service companies to emerge. This easing of restrictions has
helped make possible a wide variety of electronic education experiments and
programs from continent to continent.
Since 1986 GLOSAS has conducted a series of Multipoint-to-Multipoint
Multimedia Interactive Teleconferencing demonstrations, creating a "Global
Lecture Hall." The demonstrations included uplinking to domestic satellites, combined with audio and slow-scan teleconferencing, global computer
conferencing as well as facsimile for question-and-answer exchanges. The
most ambitious demonstration had fourteen sites linked together, from the
East Coast of the United States to the Republic of Korea, and from Anchorage, Alaska, to Brisbane, Australia. This demonstration spanned fourteen
time zones and two calendar dates! These demonstrations have helped GLOSAS
discover technical, regulatory, economic and marketing impediments to the
creation of a global electronic university system.
These GLOSAS experiments are finding and demonstrating low cost technology for underserved countries, such as slow-scan TV over ordinary telephone lines, or packet-radio with a low earth orbiting satellite for
computer networking, proposing a different mix of technology for each situation. GLOSAS is seeking to use the Multi-Programming (MPTV) technology
(developed in China and Japan) which uses one satellite transponder to
transmit as many as 44 different courses simultaneously. GLOSAS also uses
the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES) computer system, from New
Jersey Institute of Technology, for constant interaction among students and
With encouragement of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP),
GLOSAS is developing a distributed computer conferencing, database and simulation systems among several Latin American countries; and as a long-
range project, GLOSAS is working to help facilitate the establishment of a
"three space-station library system" serving the entire globe. A continuing
series of demonstrations of Multipoint-to-Multipoint Multimedia Interactive
Teleconferencing technology, developed by GLOSAS, uses audio, data, text,
computer and slow-scan TV, audiographic, facsimile, packet-radio, packet-
satellite and full-color, full-motion video teleconferencing, so that
everyone can hear, talk, and see other participants. Such demonstrations,
for example at the XVth World Conference of the International Council for
Distance Education in Caracas, Venezuela, in November, 1990, are helping to
develop the climate of opinion and experience which can now make it possible for the sharing of lectures, courses and research from continent to
continent. Educational officials in a number of Latin American countries
feel that such electronic sharing is the only way their educational institutions can keep up with advances in global research and education, in
which quality education can be brought to all of their people. A next experiment of GLOSAS may be to extend engineering courses from U.S. universities (e.g., NTU consortium) to learning centers and individuals overseas.
GLOSAS is drafting a "Universal Charter for Global Education," to become the policy of Global University, which is to be presented to UNESCO.
The proposal for a global university consortium may be understood as one of
the ways that mankind is responding to the critical challenges that confront us at this time in history. Time is ripe for global education. Technology is now available. What we need now are people who are eager to forge
ahead toward the twenty-first century education.
For more information, address:
Also see: "Waging Peace with globally-interconnected computers," in
Challenges and Opportunities: From Now to 1001, Howard Didsbury (ed),
Bethesda, MD, World Future Society; and "Global Education for Fostering
Global Citizenship," in Transnational Perspectives (Geneva, Switzerland),
Vol 15, No 2, 1989.
Takeshi Utsumi
In the Grim March of Hex
To chill my human heart
Lovers must touch the Glass of Phosphor
Else bytes will warm the bankers only
Do not the luminous dots ache for
There have been others, Mehitabel
The fashionable Mosaic Makers to the
Pleasing the plump tourists
But those who know what delights
Dreamers of the street made designs
The most exquisite mosaic art of all
Or the number of dark eyed beauties
When ASCII is for artists, Mehitabel,
Copyright, 1981
From Somewhere out in Electronic Space
Local Telephone or Network
Newport Prep (MD)
Network Used - 1989-1990
Local Telephone
Hood College
This is my introduction to the Disted list. I'm project manager for CAI
and distance education at the Hogeschool Utrecht, a polytechnic in the
Netherlands. We have about 6000 students in science, technology and
economics. From them are about 2500 part-time students.
Our concern with distance education emerges from the needs of these part-
time students, who must study besides their daily work. When we can reduce
their presence in the Institute from 3 to 2 evenings they will be very
We made the first step in that direction by offering courses with a great
deal of computer assisted instruction. At the moment only within the
limits of the institute, but we are planning to offer these courses also in
a way the students can follow them at their leisure at home. With that in
mind we are planning a lease project, where students can lease a computer
complete with installed courseware. By way of telecommunication we can
keep contact with the students for purpose of being informed about
their progress and for their being helped by our teachers in case of
difficulties with their study.
There are only a few other examples in the Netherlands of this way of
communication and there's no polytechnic that plans to do it on the scale
we are. From that fact emerges a need for international orientation that I
do in this way through the Disted list. I also plan to pay a visit to
other countries (e.g. the US) and would be glad to be informed about
projects with the same goals as ours.
Hogeschool Utrechtc
B. Mini Book Review
ONLINE EDUCATION -- Edited by Linda Harasim , Praeger, 1990
This is a book that will be of interest to many readers of this journal and
distance education reseachers. It discusses the design and use of Computer
Mediated Communication (CMC) systems in teaching with particular focus on
the theoretical and methodological issues involved. One thing that I found
especially interesting were the various attempts to measure the impact of
CMC use on student learning. Also very helpful is the last chapter which is
a fairly complete bibliography on the subject. I think this book is
excellent for people new to CMC who want to get a feel for past work and
current concerns.
Editor's note: I have recently finished the book and highly recommend it.
It does an excellent job of analyzing the more important aspects of CMC.
C. Book Announcement:
of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities,
will be available for purchase from April, 1990.
There is a great deal of "hype" about media and technology in
distance education -- but what is the reality? This 300 page
book, with its 43 articles from 38 authors in nine European
countries, representing almost all the major European distance
teaching universities, provides a comprehensive overview of the
use of media and technology in higher distance education in
Western Europe. The book identifies who has experience of using
various media and technology, the extent to which it is being
used, and some of the problems and approaches that have been
identified. Papers cover the following technologies:
The emphasis of the book is on practice rather than theory. While
there are papers on costs, media selection and the practical
problems of using technology on a European-wide basis, the great
majority of papers discuss specific applications of technology in
distance education.
The book highlights not only the potential of new technology for
distance teaching, but also its limitations, and raises many key
issues regarding the economics, pedagogy, politics and social
implications of providing distance education on a European-wide
The book is available by mail order only. For a copy, send L23.20
cheque or money order (-we regret that payment MUST be in L
sterling-) per copy (includes post and packing) to:
Orders can be faxed to +44-908-65-3744.
D. Excerpt From:
University of the Air made its initial debut on Sunday, April 31,
1989, on Radio For Peace International (RFPI), a global shortwave
station sited on the campus of the University For Peace (U.N.) in
Costa Rica. Aired on RFPI, were ten courses of the Certificate
Program in Peace and Development. The University of the Air (UA)
semester, which ran from April through September, was received in
more than 40 countries. All courses are contributed by volunteer
Current UA activities and program revolve around seeking addition-
al radio outlets (shortwave, AM and FM), and the UA Correspondence
Course in Peace and Development. Underway, are plans to establish
a mini-AM/FM grassroots radio station (broadcast range 2-10 km) in
Central America during 1990. This mini station will broadcast
courses and programs produced both locally and internationally.
Efforts will be made to fully engage the local community in sta-
tion operation and production of broadcast materials, and develop-
ment of special radio programs. Emphasis will be on, "Peace
Though Development."
Currently available or in development, are the following courses:
We invite your interest and participation. Please contact us for
further information. Thank you.
Signed by
E. Request for input regarding the ethics of CMC use:
Dear Friend:
I am compiling research for a Distance Education project. Could
you spend a few minutes telling me what you think about these
issues. In this open-ended communication network, we implemented
this medium to send and
receive the information. It is not simply personal communication.
On the
contrary, every single message can be delivered to anywhere for
anyone. The individual has as much influence as journalist have.
While we drive on this communication highway, do we consider the
rules embedded on every sender and receiver? Like driving a car
on the highway, the driver has to obey the traffic regulation to
avoid the car collision and accidents. The electronic mail should
have its regulations and ethics that everyone should follow.
I'd like to hear your opinions related to this issue of ethics. I
am very concerned with the side effect of this technology. Like
an old Chinese proverb says "Water can carry the boat, it also can
overwhelm the boat".
James Chen
F. Electronic participation at ICDE
I. DATE: November 6 (Tuesday), 1990
II. TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Caracas time)
Please inform us of your choice among the following options.
If you have a touch-tone telephone, and wish just to listen to our
conversation, you may call into an audio teleconferencing bridge
telephone number. Participation is limited to members of GLOSAS/USA who
have paid their full membership fee (US$50 or more). We will provide
you with the bridge telephone number to call. Phone cost to the bridge
near New York City (tentative) has to be paid by participants.
2. Watching and Listening Only:
b. With Satellite Downlink Facility:
If you have a satellite downlink facility, you can receive our satellite
signal, if our satellite foot-prints cover your area.
c. Eligibility of This Participants:
Educational Professional members (or up) of GLOSAS/USA who have paid
their full membership fee (US$100.00) will receive the bridge telephone
numbers to call or technical specifications of the satellite(s) from
which to receive our demonstration signal.
If you have Colorado Video's Model 250 or 290 slow-scan TV unit, you can
connect it to a slow-scan TV teleconferencing bridge, which will cost the
same amount as audio teleconferencing. You can send your images to other
2. With Satellite Downlink Facility:
If you have a satellite downlink facility, you can receive our satellite
signal, if our satellite foot-prints cover your area.
3. With Satellite Uplink Facility:
If you have an uplink facility, we may ask you to send your full-color,
full-motion video so that we can include it in our satellite broadcast.
(This possibility is still pending.) (In this case, you do not need to
have the SSTV unit mentioned above.)
4. Use of EIES Computer Conferencing Network:
All active participants have to subscribe to the EIES computer
conference system. We will use its on-line, real-time conversation
feature for back-stage coordination to prioritize questions, since we
cannot see who is raising a hand. For this reason, only participants
who have this capability can raise questions during our demonstration.
Those participants who wish to ask questions to panelists will send
their names and locations via EIES, to be retrieved at the NUTN studio
and prioritized. (In this way we can save valuable telephone and
satellite time.)
5. Contribution:
All active participants are urged to give us (GLOSAS/USA) a $300
contribution. The contribution will enable them to receive hard copy
materials on our activities. It will also provide them with one month's
use of EIES (including GTE/Telenet access) from October 15, 1990 to
November 15, 1990 during which time they can practice using the on-line,
real-time conversation command. (If they wish to continue with EIES
subscription beyond November 15, they have to deposit with us another
non-refundable $300, from which we will pay their subscription of EIES
and Telenet use on their behalf. They will receive a monthly usage
report from us.)
2. Helping Hands to Third World Country People Who Crave Knowledge:
Please note that the funding policy of GLOSAS/USA, a non-profit organiza-
tion, is to ask for greater contributions from those who have the most
resources at their disposal. That is another way in which the developed
world can assist people of the third world countries. A college
professor in Argentina earns only $100/month. Because of poverty and an
inadequate telephone system, they cannot call our audio and slow-scan TV
teleconferencing bridges. We have to help their communication costs.
This is why we used the word "contribution" rather than "participation
fee" above. Is there a possibility of your passing the hat among
attendees of your gathering to help people from under-served countries?
3. Cancellation:
In case you cancel your participation before our event, yourcontribu-
tion will be kept for your individual membership in GLOSAS/USA as well
as for our expenses for phone calls to participants in third world
countries during the event. In case we cancel this event (our Go/No-Go
decision date is October 1, 1990), your contribution will be used for
your individual membership fee and for our preparation of this event.
4. Your Complete Address:
Should you decide to participate in our event, please send us your
complete mailing address, including phone and facsimile numbers, and any
electronic communication means. Please also inform us about the
configuration of your facilities.
5. Further Detailed Information:
We will send further detailed information and program of our event as
our program develops, to those people who informed us of their intent to
6. Overseas Participants:
Overseas participants are urged to contact us at their earliest possible
convenience due to the conference date.
G. Distance Learning Database Formed
Regents College of the University of the State of New York has recently
developed a database of distance learning opportunities for students of
nearly all ages desiring undergraduate credit. Presently, DistanceLearn,
contains over 700 courses offered by a couple of dozen institutions. Ms.
Katherine Gulliver, Director, Office of Learning Technologies, Regents
College is looking for able high school students that will be interested in
using this database. For more information about DistanceLearn...contact
Thanks Don Watkins
Indeed, there is overlap in all of them, and a particular situation can
involve a number of separations. But I find this taxonomy useful to guide
us as electronic anthropologists as we seek to understand the nature of
online community.
Your comments are always welcome.
by Enzo Puliatti
cdp!enzop%arisia.xerox.com@stanford.bitnet 3228 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, California
Telephone: (415) 923-0900,br> Fax: (415) 923-1665.
Regional Programme Officer
Division for the Regional Programme
Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (RBLAC)
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
One U.N. Plaza, Room 2206
New York, NY 10017
Fax: 212-906-5892
Bitnet: cdp!enzop%arisia.xerox.com@stanford.bitnet>>
by Andre Roussel
A Vision That Can Change The World
by Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D.,
utsumi@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D.
President of
Global University in the U.S.A. (GU/USA)
A Divisional Activity of the
GLOSAS/USA Association
43-23 Colden Street
Flushing, NY 11355-3998
U.S.A.; Tel: 718-939-0928; EIES: 492
BITNET: utsumi@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu
User ID: utsumi@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu
Electrons vibrate for Poets,
Not Programmers.
GOSUB minds
Build trellises
Of Logic
So spare they whistle Electric Winds
With hands limp and graceful as
The Michaelangelo;
To summon up the
Passionate symbols
The Backspace of Genius
And The Dance of the Red Leds?
Emporers of Byzantium
Worked their Craft in Plates of Color
That arched to the sky
In the Temples of the East
A young girl's eye think
The Glass Buttons found in the street
Were best
On the ordinary ends
Of a thick bundle of glass rods
Then drew the glass cylinder
Firey hot into a fiber
Oh! so delicately fine that
When cut and polished the
Fragile slices made
Took in that ancient city.
Who surrendered
To those miniature chips brought by
Impecunious suitors.
Leds will be for Lovers, and the
Of Technology
Will bring Grace to us All
David R Hughes
NSFNet Telenet
Bryan Station (KY) via U. of Kentucky Gilbert (IO) North Haven (CT) Dowling (IO) Athens (OH) via Ohio U. Horace Greeley (NY) Provo (UT) Monsarrat (Argentina) Walton (NY) via CUNY Garneau (Ontario) Kennedy (CA) Nevada (IO) Interlake (WA) via U. of Washington Winterset (IO) Turlock (CA) Lincoln (IO) Lebanon (NH) via Dartmouth Urbandale (IO) Adel-DeSoto (IO) Jackson (Ontario) Tower Hill (DE) via U. of DE Fullerton (CA) Connelly (CA) Brentwood (CA) Amith Regional (CT) via Yale Cate (CA) Harvard (CA) San Marino (CA) Gahr (CA) Pioneer (CA) La Serna (CA) Governor's School (PA) Lincoln (WA)
High Point (MD)
Northwestern (MD)
Northern (MD)
Summer Center for
International Studies (MD)
University of Maryland College Park
NSFNet Telenet
Univ. of Colorado Copenhagen (Denmark) Towson State Fachhochschule Karlsruhe (FRG) Michigan State Waseda (Japan) North Carolina State Inha (Korea) Sonoma State Cordoba (Argentina) US Air Force Academy U. of Connecticut Brigham Young U. Whittier College Canisius College Ramapo College Colorado State-Durango Middlebury College U. of North Carolina Arkansas Tech
Univ. of MarylandA. Announcement: Distance Education project in the Netherlands
from Han Bakker
Han Bakker
P.O. Box 573
3500 AN Utrecht
The Netherlands#
(ed. A. W. Bates)
Janice Dale, IET
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
United Kingdom
by Mark Siegmund
BITNET ID: cdp!uofair@labrea.stanford.edu
Holistic Education; Children Education and Peace; Peace and
Development; How Nature Works; Global Interdependence; Grassroots Entrepreneurialism; Individual Initiative; Politics,
Science and Spirit of Peace; World Core Curriculum; Humanities and Liberal Studies; Conflict Resolution; Shelter; Cultural Anthropology; Health and Nutrition; Alternative Energy;
Ecology; Appropriate/Alternative Technology; Community Development; Global Education; Alternative/Appropriate Agriculture; Interiority; International Development and the Grassroots; Development Problems/Practices/Possibilities; Equity,
Ethics and Law; Ecumenism; Marketing; Production; Communications; Languages; Literacy and Cross Cultural Encounters.
The above curriculum is designed to generally prepare the individual for community and global life. It provides a spectrum of
education, ranging from the global to the local and practical.
The tools to start and maintain a small business are given, as
well as the community and global context in which that enterprise
will exist. The student will learn how to conduct life and enterprise in harmony with the rest of humanity and the planet's ecology.
Mark Siegmund
University of The Air
P. O. Box 921867
Sylmar, CA 91392
Tel: 818-365-3262
Bitnet: cdp!uofair@labrea.stanford.edu
University of Oregon
School of Education
Chairman, GLOSAS/USA
Demonstration of a "Global Lecture Hall"
Promotion of Global Understanding
The XVth World Conference
The International Council for Distance Education
November 4 to 10, 1990
Caracas, Venezuela
A. Passive Participants:
Passive participants are those people who only watch and listen, and do
not enjoy the privilege of asking questions to panelists--see below for
1. Listening Only:
B. Active Participants:
Active participants are those who watch, listen, and enjoy the privilege
of asking questions to panelists--see below for reasons.
a. With Slow-Scan TV (SSTV) Unit:
If you have Colorado Video's Model 250 or 290 slow-scan TV unit, you can
connect it to a separate teleconferencing bridge, which will cost the
same amount as audio teleconferencing.
1. With Slow-Scan TV Unit:
1. First Come First Served:
Because the time available during our demonstration is short, we limit
the number of active participants. Consequently, first come first
Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D.
President, Global University in the U.S.A. (GU/USA)
A Divisional Activity of GLOSAS/USA
(GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A.)
43-23 Colden Street, Flushing, NY 11355-3998, U.S.A.
Phone: 718-939-0928; EIES: 492 or TAK;
WU EASYLINK: 62756570, WU TELEX 386131 (GIS USA)
BITNET: utsumi@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu or 492@eies2.njit.edu
From: Don Watkins, V076GZHB@UBVMS
Ms. Katherine Gulliver at "NYS001@ALBNYVMS"
Name Of Separation Type Of Separation Nature Of Separation
International geographic space segregation Intercultural inter-social custom, community expectations Interlational intra-social roles, social strata Interpersonal emotional personality, needs Intrapersonal psychic identity resolution